The global coronavirus pandemic is posing major staffing challenges to many companies.
Here you can find an overview of possible solutions and approaches to preparing your company for staff shortages.
Read a brief statement from our management team about the coronavirus crisis and its effects on our activities as well as on the business of our clients.
We have adapted our business activities to the new restrictions as best we can, and are able to offer reliable service even in difficult times.
Increasing and reducing capacities in the short term is one of our core competencies.
We are closely monitoring the situation among our clients and business partners. In the past few days, we have been receiving an increased number of enquiries from various business sectors that have come under pressure due to increased demand.
Take a look at the cases described and contact us if you also need help.
Shelves in retail establishments are emptying regularly. Many consumers are switching to online retail and having goods delivered to their homes. This is creating increased demand for personnel in retailers’ value chains, especially in packaging, assembly, delivery and processing orders.
Thanks to our experience and our network, we can recruit staff with sought-after retail skills profiles at short notice and in large volumes.
Sought-after staff
Open-plan offices and desk sharing spaces require additional hygiene measures (e.g. keyboard cleaning) to reduce employees’ exposure to unnecessary risk of infection. In addition, disinfection stations must be regularly refreshed and replenished. Smooth operations and procedures require the organisation of cleaning specialists, including outside office hours.
We recruit cleaning staff for major facility management companies and large companies across Switzerland, and can increase capacities at short notice.
Sought-after staff
Due to the increased precautionary measures in nursing homes, employees with symptoms of illness are immediately excluded from operations to protect residents from infection. To guarantee continued operations at all times, there is an additional need for qualified nursing staff and catering staff, who look after meals and preparation.
Thanks to our experience and our network, we can recruit staff with sought-after skills profiles for retail and peripheral functions at short notice and in large volumes, and make them available to our clients.
Sought-after staff
As the virus spreads, the pressure on our healthcare system will increase. Additional staff in hospitals and clinics can help ease the burden and ensure long-term care. Higher bed occupancy rates not only represent a burden for nursing staff and doctors, but also for cleaning specialists, as well as kitchen, service and maintenance staff.
We have many years of experience in recruiting highly specialised staff in the field of patient nursing and care, and can call on contacts in our candidate pools.
Sought-after staff
An increased burden on hospitals and clinics can also lead to a short-term increase in demand for home caregivers. Milder cases and disease progression can also lead to an increase in the need for personal services. The care of elderly people and people with physical disabilities must be adequately secured.
We have been working with Spitex for years and have a team of specialists in the area of home care, nursing care, and support, who can deal with short-term personnel shortages and staffing requirements.
Sought-after staff
The need for personal services for individuals in self-isolation, or struggling due to general restrictions, may lead to an increased demand for butler services. People who have to get by without help from anyone nearby benefit from small favours or services such as regular shopping.
Our branches throughout Switzerland have pools of candidates and reliable workers, available to us, who can be prepared for work quickly and easily.
Sought-after staff
Shared workplaces, regular client visits and internal meetings increase the risk of infection in the office. If an administrative specialist is infected, this can result in a critical loss of knowledge for the company. The task of maintaining day-to-day business comes with a multitude of pitfalls that you need to prepare for. This also means having an emergency plan for replacing administrative staff at short notice, if necessary.
As the largest personnel service provider in Switzerland with experience in recruiting specialists, we can also quickly provide qualified personnel
Sought-after staff
There is also a risk of infection in the professional kitchens of catering operations. Without stricter hygiene measures, this can lead to greater staff absences. Regardless of the size of the company, staff shortages can be critical in both the short and long term. To maintain operations even under difficult conditions, precautionary measures may be necessary.
Not only do we have many years of experience in catering, we also have a large network of staff that we can access at very short notice.
Sought-after staff
As a safety measure, increasing numbers of employees are being advised to work from home. But not every company is equipped for this contingency. It requires a strong knowledge of security requirements, and also calls for specifically configured devices and laptops. The provision of equipment in large quantities can push IT departments to their limits.
Our specialists at Spring Professional can call on their years of experience and large staffing pools to offer assistance at short notice.
Sought-after staff
Quarantined personnel may not be able to participate in day-to-day business. But you can use this time productively by investing in digital training. Online courses are particularly suitable for this purpose, and can be carried out using personal PCs or even via smartphone. Digital skills are increasingly in demand in every industry.
Our subsidiary, General Assembly, offers a wide range of online courses for training in the area of ‘Digital Skills’. Find out how you can turn your employees’ downtime into a valuable investment.
Course examples
A lack of patrons could severely impact restaurants both big and small. Alternative business models are particularly interesting in densely populated areas, or in rural areas with poor coverage from delivery services. These models require couriers or drivers who can deliver food to customers. Under-staffed restaurants may also have an opportunity to offer new services.
One way to cover the shortage of staff in the catering sector could be to set up a temporary delivery service. We have flexible staff for this purpose.
Sought-after staff
Customers fearing infection may increasingly rely on delivery services and have their food conveniently delivered to them at home. Short-term increases in demand may need to be cushioned with external personnel.
Our specialists in the catering sector and in industry have the right profiles for you, and maintain large pools of candidates for our clients.
Sought-after staff
Many employees rely on punctual wage payments, particularly at the moment. Rapidly changing business circumstances and requirements can lead to uncertainty and increased time and effort when dealing with this. Many companies now have to be able to react quickly and flexibly. Errors or unmade wage payments can have both legal and human consequences.
As specialists with many years of experience, we are well placed to reliably take on payroll administration tasks for you. We enable you to avoid these risks for the protection of both your employees and your company, leaving you to focus on your core business.
Request a call backUnfortunately, the current situation does not allow every company to maintain all its employees’ employment contracts. Tackling this kind of situation sensibly and sustainably is an enormous challenge. A lack of specialists means that many companies rely on a few talented individuals. These people should be identified and brought together with the right resources.
Our focus is always on the people involved. Our job centre supports your employees through this difficult situation and helps them to look for a new position.
Our service at a glance
The current crisis affects all business levels. Changes within management can cause serious problems for companies. Replacing highly qualified personnel who bear a lot of responsibility within a company is an enormous challenge, especially when things are moving fast. Finding suitable candidates for a limited period can be an additional hurdle, as can filling new positions ad interim.
We have a large network of high-calibre, fully vetted candidates. For assignments typically lasting between two weeks and 18 months, we take over all employee management and administration so that you don’t have to worry about compliance.
Sought-after staff
Due to current travel restrictions in Europe, there is a shortage of staff in the agricultural sector to help harvest vegetables and fruits. These shortfalls have an impact on farms as well as on the country’s supply. The nature of the affected goods requires quick and professional action.
With the largest network of candidates in Switzerland, we offer rapid assistance in the recruitment of temporary helpers. Our candidates with a gastronomic background already have the necessary sensitivity in dealing with food.
Sought-after staff
We support companies in covering short-term staffing shortages, and we can take responsibility for outsourced functions or even entire projects.
Time is a critical factor. We use established processes and candidate pools, which allow us to recruit and process a large number of candidates at short notice.
Find out moreCandidate search
We take care of the acquisition, or call on our pools of candidate.
Selection process
We select suitable candidates based on your criteria, and prepare them for work.
From the conclusion of the contract to time recording and payroll accounting, we take care of the entire administrative side for you.
If the Federal Office of Public Health restricts travel, our administrative team is prepared for the worst case scenario and can offer uninterrupted service through digital processes, even working from home.
Electronic time recording of candidates
Our candidates record their hours electronically via an app, with no physical administration required.
Electronic approval of hours
Operations staff can view the recorded hours and approve wage payment electronically.
Electronic billing
Our invoices are sent electronically and do not require our administrative staff to be physically present.
The situation in Switzerland is worsening.
Through our business activities, we maintain active contact with a wide variety of companies of all sizes, in every sector. Some companies are already severely affected by the crisis and are trying to manage their excess capacity. Meanwhile, other companies and industries are seeing an increase in business activity and are overwhelmed with demand.
These developments will be accentuated in the service and health sectors. In simple terms – some companies have too many employees, others don’t have enough. Covering staff shortages is our core competency, which we have put at the service of companies throughout Switzerland for over 60 years. Contact us with your requirements – we will be happy to offer you straightforward help and support.
Thank you for your trust in us.
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